Ingrid Bruck is wild flower gardener and a poet inspired by nature. She lives in Amish country in Pennsylvania. This site shocases selected works by her.

Toko Shainado’s Art & Fire— Published by: Verse-Virtual, May 2022 VOL 9 NO 5

Toko Shinoda’s Art


falls off 

her brush

art beat 

heart beat 

art treasure

red blood 

on legs

black wings

beat void

bird art 

lines flap 

lines tangle 

lines diverge 


red energy 


black box

stroke up 

stroke down 

stroke stops


lives to 107

last year’s seed pod

brown bare branch 

a thrush sings


NYTime Obit about calligraphy artist Toko Shainado:

Link to some art images:!#filterName:all-paintings-chronologically,resultType:masonry

ABOUT: I like Toko Shinoda's caligraphy art. When she died, Verse Virtual published my ekphrastic poem about her art . My attempt was to make words sound like Toko's caligraphy strokes-- a swiftness of line, grace of movement, with splashes of red.




After Song by Big Daddy Kane – The Wrath of Kane

The heat is on 

so feel the fire

a crumb starts to walk 

no, it’s an ant

a hornet sting throbs

you’re in its space

shooter hits a mall

mischance, you’re there

a drive-by shooting 

devil’s own luck

struck dead by lightning

sunshine, no rain

only one monarch 

lots of flowers 

barefoot on grass

clover without bees

a silent springtime

the frogs don’t sing

fire season west 

the sun shines red

the fire burns…


Date Published: May 1, 2022

i bend & clenched fists & KKK parade—Published by: failed haiku A Journal of English Senryu Volume 7, Issue 77

on the ridge - Published by:  The Skinny Poetry Journal